Workplace Wellbeing
Welcome to Nine Teaching Workplace Wellbeing.
Our philosophy is about promoting sustainable resilience for individuals, professionals and organisations through learning, leadership and growth.
The Workplace Wellbeing Series. is a range of short events of up to two hours, half day and one day masterclasses. In addition, we also deliver Association for Coaching Accredited Coach training programmes to support the development of internal coaching capacity.
Utilising a multi-disciplinary team of facilitators, our programmes focus upon leading through adversity and distress, to increase our emotional intelligence and develop skills in supporting ourselves and others.
Programmes can be commissioned for in-person, or online delivery, and we can create bespoke content.
Each teaching programme is organised into a series of themes: trauma and resilience, mental health essentials and coaching for growth.
The workplace wellbeing series encompass consistent teaching methods to deliver the latest thinking in academic research, to promote self awareness, and emotional intelligence and develop skills to help others.
Despite delving into addressing adversity, all series content is informed by the latest ideas about the human potential for resilience and post-traumatic growth.
For smaller groups (up to nine delegates) we can also host training in-house to allow your workplace wellbeing to be developed off-site.
You will find samples of these programmes on the Nine Teaching LIVE events page.
To understand the impact of coaching in the workplace listen to a Podcast Nicola was invited to deliver as part of her coaching with the School of Surgery Surgical Trainees (Mersey Deanery).