Nine Wellbeing Guided self-help
Guided Self Help Free resources
In response to the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, I was approached by a local NHS Trust to consult with them to support the psychological and emotional wellbeing of front line staff. I developed a free programme of self support introducing three key areas of facing fear, recognising resilience and understanding trauma. This programme has since been widely offered across the NHS, and has three components: a webinar to act as your personal guide through the programme, a manual to support your learning and podcast to develop your relaxation skills. I have since added a guided relaxation sleep podcast, and committed to making these resources freely available to anyone who requires support during this time. To download your free programme, please click on the Covid-19 icon.
Guided Self Help
promoting sustainable resilience
I recognise that during this prolonged period of unimaginable grief and trauma not everyone is able to access individual psychotherapy or coaching to reduce their isolation and support their mental health and wellbeing. The philosophy of Nine Wellbeing is to promote sustainable resilience in an affordable way, and so I have expanded the guided self help programme into three key areas of anxiety, resilience and grief.
Building upon the philosophy of the free Covid-19 programme, each guided self help module offers a depth of learning with a webinar as your personal programme coach, a guided self help manual to support your learning and podcast to manage your emotional skill development. It is hoped that the addition of the personal programme coach will facilitate your engagement with the module to support your learning about your self, and enhance the skills you can practice to help you to manage, survive and feel less alone in your struggles. Importantly, if you are trying to help someone else who is in difficulty, these modules will equip you to support others who may be struggling. I believe we need a collective effort to get through these truly challenging times.
Each Module is a standalone module, but you can combine modules into a full programme.
Cost of Modules: £20 for one, £45 for three
Addressing your Anxiety
Raising your Resilience
Guiding your Grief